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Monday, January 9, 2012

Rural vs. Urban

July 23rd, 2005 by inah-u
what is the biggest difference between living in a city and living in a province??? why would some people prefer living in the big city such as manila, some would prefer living in the province… just like me???
Highly urbanized cities such as Manila live a fast paced life… time flies fast, money spent is even faster, I’ve even noticed how fast people walk, talk, eat and fall asleep and even get sick  here… from all of the smog and working in an enclosed environment such as a call center….it is a very tiring world. fun? yes, probably you meet diffrent kinds of people from all walks of life. this is what we call the melting pot of the philippines. I’ve experieced this several times at work.. i didn’t know that the person i was talking to was also an ilongga just like me, until i talked to a friend of mine from the province. then she goes “ay ilongga ka man gali…” funny but we all crowd into this piece of land, where the province has  more than enough space to live in. the weather is even so extreme here.. during the summers it is very hot that i’d rather prefer to sleep in the office where the aircon is free. all i had to do was to buy a sleeping bag and i’m off to dreamland, every single summer day of 2005. now that the rainy season is here… it’s flooding all over… when it rains… it pours… sometimes i even  wonder if there would ever come a season that was not so wet or so dry… just right. now let’s talk about food… everything here is so fattening knowing that we could not cook at the apartment (strict rules by the land lady). all there is, is mostly meat. fatty fast food, even the caterer at the office seldom serve vegetables. that’s why most people here get sick easily… they are very used to fast things such as fast food
i’ve lived in the province all of my life till i got a job and transfered to the big city of makati. i’ve loved how the air smells so fresh, how the wind blew on my face. where there was no traffic involved and the air was not so warm. everywhere in our province only takes … the most 30 mins. Healthy foods are readily available. People in the province take so much time in the preparation of food, they put they heart in every meal they make, and maybe that’s the reason why you just love devouring it. (i dunno but this proves true for all bacoleƱos) people there are so friendly you’d easily feel comfortable in the small yet laid back city. as for night life.. i’ve noticed how people in our province now prefer to sit down and have coffee or just hang out rather than go out and party.
as for me if i were to choose to live in a highly urbanized city or the province.. i’d rather choose the province… i may not be earning as much as i would here, but i don’t mind… as long as i’m happy! though i’m not going to exchange the challenges, the freedom that i have in the city, and the friends that i’ve come to know along the way.


  1. I agree with you. Urban centers are economic drivers and melting pot of economic development, and rural areas are synonymous to "backwardness"...life is more peaceful in rural areas. Glad I made the right choice too.

  2. Thanks for visiting and reading... hope you read my other articles... :)
