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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Have you stopped to smell the roses lately?

We often tend to forget to appreciate the little things around us. As a saying goes sometimes "we need to stop and smell the roses." People has been to busy to stop and think or reflect on the beauty of the things around us. Our minds have been preoccupied by work, finances etc. Have you recently stopped to think about the air you're breathing, how beautiful the flowers are, or how much has changed around you.

I myself is guilty of this. Let me tell you how a day in my life goes, I go out for work at 5 in the morning. Take a bath, change clothes, brush my teeth, grab the key, and ride the car. On my way to work, I speed up because I fear I'm going to be late, instead of slowing down and appreciate a little bit of nature. Upon getting off at work, I clock in read my emails, then start my day at work. Lunch comes, I eat a little because I still have tons to do, then back to work. Once the day is over, I get into my car, drive home, too tired to think of the things around me, I just want to go home and rest. At home, i go directly to our room, and lie down. It was a productive day at work, but I was never able to appreciate life or what I have in front of me. 

Points to ponder on:

1. Have we stopped to say how much you love someone without expecting them to say something in return? 

2. Have you given yourself a chance to sit back and relax without thinking of work or money? 

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