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Thursday, January 12, 2012

On Love and Courtship

Love… ah love.. one word that can make the whole world go crazy, angry, frustrated, disappointed, happy, curious, contented, and hurt. You can name all the emotions in the world and a person who is inlove will feel any of the emotions stated above. It’s one heck of a roller coaster ride. Do you agree?

Some people I know will tell you they like long courtship to ensure that the person courting them is sincere in their intentions. Some however would say that courtship is no longer needed. You are just making it hard for both of you. Why? Simply because if you found out that you don’t like the person, you’d then have to find a way to break the bad news to them. If you like the person why make them suffer and you anticipate the day you’d officially become a couple.

My dear readers, there is no such thing as a Perfect Boyfriend or a Perfect Girlfriend, neither is a perfect relationship.   In every relationship, we will encounter challenges, it may be heavy or light but at some point there will come a time when you guys have a fight. It’s just one of the spices of life.  Depending on the gravity and depth of the root cause, it may work out or it may not.

When you come to think about it, at the end of the day, whether courtship was involved or not, what really matters is how much you care and love each other.  

Points to Ponder:

1. Who would you rather choose? The person who loves you or the person you love?
2. When is the right time to fall in love?
3. How do we know that person is the right one?

1 comment:

  1. You're right Inah... and nobody's perfect as well... It takes two to tango and in every relationship partners should take their own share of keeping the flame alive... of nourishing the love... and last but not the least... trust each other.
