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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Yce the Miracle Baby

Just came home from a very tiring day, but it was all worth it. Let me tell you about the birthday celebrant, Rayhanna Yce G. Canieso. She turned 1 year old today. Her mom, Emelyn Honey Genobis is my best friend. We've been friends for quite some time now, and we've shared a lot of memories together from happy ones to the not so happy ones. Yce was born as the smallest baby ever recorded at Riverside Medical Center or Dr. Pablo Torre Memorial Hospital. She was premature at 7 months and not bigger than a 12 oz bottle. Honey was supposed to go to the doctor for check up a few weeks prior to Feb 5. When she finally saw the doctor, they found out that Yce was not receiving any nutrients, or enough oxygen and blood supply because one of the tubes connecting her to her mom was not functioning. It's a miracle how she was able to survive despite the ordeal she had to go through even when she was still in her mother's womb. In order to live, she was consuming her mom's amniotic fluid.

No one can believe it has been 1 year since that happend. She has grown up to be healthy and gives everyone  joy in the Genobis household. I salute Honey, her mother for the hardwork, love and sacrifice she has put in to make sure Yce gets everything that she needs. 

I realized too, that all that you need in order to survive and strive for a better future for your children is family. Honey's sisters, Sweet, Love and Darlyn and their parents ( Mommy Dels and Daddy Doots, who has become my second parents) could not have been more supportive of their sister / daughter. Hats off to the Genobis Family including the inlaws. Special mention to Donald and Tolits! Indeed you guys are an inspiration.

Once again, Happy Birthday Yce and Congratulations to Honey. I love you both! 

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