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Friday, February 24, 2012

Hoshi Resto Bar

Lunch at Hoshi Resto Bar! This small but homey restaurant is located at the heart of Bacolod City. Some locals does not even know this place exists. Hoshi boasts of a wide array of Japanese dishes to choose from. Obviously, my favorite is California maki and Ebi Fry Tempura.

Call Hoshi now at: (034)441-3101, they're located Door No. 7, Yusay Bldg. Brgy. Mandalagan, Bacolod City. 

Digital Photo Manipulation

I have been using photoshop for a long time now but I haven't quite discovered or used it to its maximum capacity. I'm discovering a lot of ways to make my pictures pop out even more which is why I'm going to show you my dear readers some samples of my photo manipulations. Here goes.... scroll down....

Taken during my grandma's 87th birthday, that's my grandpa at the Mambukal Resort dipping pool.

An Orchid taken from our backyard 

Bredco Port

Vintage look for Bredco Port

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Photo Exploration Day Part 1

It's nice waking up to a day where you don't have to rush to go to work, think about the challenges you will encounter at work. It's been a while since I've had time for myself. It makes me appreciate my surroundings more. Things I usually ignore when I'm too busy and too preoccupied during weekdays. I didn't even notice beautiful flowers growing in my own backyard, or simply enjoying my coffee while it's hot. I love eating at the dining table and not on my office table. The warmth of the morning sun instead of the cold office aircon. Most of all, I have time to do what I love best... Take time to get pictures and discovering more about photography and digital manipulation.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ghost Rider 2012

Just got home after a movie date with my cousin Sammy. The movie was Ghost Rider 2 Spirit of Vengeance. Story goes as " Johnny Blaze, still struggling with the curse of being the Ghost Rider, is hiding out in a remote part of Eastern Europe when a secret sect of the church asks him to save a boy from the devil. At first Johnny is reluctant to use his power, but it's the only way to save the boy and possibly rid himself of this curse forever." - Wikipedia

Over all from a scale of 1 - 10 with 10 being the highest I'd rate it as a 6 or 7. I felt like it was a cheaper version of the Original one from 2007. A few observations I've had was that Johnny's bike, should have been a chopper and not some old motorcycle which is similar to that of the ones used for Escape from LA. The plot was good though it deviated so much from the original Ghost Rider story. 

Well, until my next blog! :) 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bredco Port ~ Bacolod City

I was at Bredco Port yesterday to fetch my mom as I always do every fridays. Fortunately, I was able to bring my camera with me so here are the Test Shots.

of Soda Cases and Cardboard Boxes...

Earlier today we had a power interruption. It started before 7am and resumed power at 5:30pm. I took a bath and unfortunately, there was only a trickle of water coming out from the shower. I opted to use the "TABO" (dipper) instead. My family has been using the shower for a long time and I haven't seen the pail and dipper for a long time. I have forgotten how fun and enjoyable using the dipper is. It brought me back to the time when me and my cousins went for a bath in the rain in our underwear. We didn't mind if the water pouring down the water spout was dirty, all we really wanted was to have fun. We pretended that the spout was a waterfall and we were trapped in an island. We built tents and houses out of cardboard boxes and soda cases. When we were kids, we can do just about anything, traveled to different parts of the world and even the universe.  Pretending to be what we ever wanted to be. 

Sometimes I wished I was back to being a child where the only thing that bothered me were monsters and my parents. No bills to pay, stress free days and I even slept better. Me and my cousins pretty much had a glorious childhood. Even if I was an only child, I never felt alone because I had them to keep me company. As we grew older, eventually we had less and less time to see each other knowing that we went to different schools, had jobs, boyfriends/ girlfriends which turned into their husbands / wives. Some moved from one city to another, some even moved continents. 

Points to Ponder on:

1. Cherish your childhood it brings a smile in your face when you look back at it.
2. Teach your kids to play outside instead of playing inside with the computer or other gaming consoles.

3. Play with your kids, this ensures you supervise them in a playful manner. Allow their imagination to run wild.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Good Food, Good LIfe!

Grilled Shrimp Salad

Baby Back Ribs - Pepe's
Rainy saturday morning when my mom and I decided to go out for lunch. After a few moments of arguing of where we would dine we ended up at Pepe's located at the heart of Bacolod City's Piazza Sorrento. Specialty of the house was their Baby Back Ribs and Beef Salpicao.Although service was a bit slow, when our food finally came, we were not disappointed. Baby Back Ribs and Grilled Shrimp salad made our day. 

Ah! Good food, good life. Sorrento is not only a place for nourishment of the body, but it is also a place where you can relax as several salons and spa's have opened in the vicinity. At night Sorrento is transformed into a huge area where people can socialize, chill, have a beer or two. 

Whenever you're in Bacolod, visit Piazza Sorrento along Lacson St. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Magnitude 6.8 hits Bacolod City

I was about to eat lunch when I felt the floor shake. It would have been a normal occurrence if I saw someone (someone big at that ) running down the hallway. I continued to observe my surroundings for a few seconds and the chafing dish in front of us began to shake. It was then I realized that it was an earthquake. The lady who was about to serve us our rice disappeared from our sight, like a ghost she ran out of the pantry like a flash of lightning leaving us staring at the food. When the shaking became stronger, we stepped away from the counter. The lady who was working at the other concessioner began to shout "Gwa na kamu!" which means everyone should go out, we dashed towards the main entrance of the building. I'm not sure if it was because of hunger or a panic attack that my legs were still shaking. We were still waiting for an update when I felt the car we were leaning on began to shake. I stepped away thinking that it was just someone who was shaking the vehicle. When I looked up, the steel pole in front of the building began shaking. Oh no! Not again, an aftershock. For a steel pole to shake like that means another strong quake. Eventually we were let back in the building only to get our stuff. 

News reports state that more aftershocks will be felt in the upcoming weeks. Be safe everyone! 

Let us pray for those who were greatly affected by the quake. Be safe everyone. 

Points to ponder on: 

1. During an earthquake, do not Panic.
2. hide under a strong sturdy table
3. if the quake still persists, go out of the building and stay at an open area. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Yce the Miracle Baby

Just came home from a very tiring day, but it was all worth it. Let me tell you about the birthday celebrant, Rayhanna Yce G. Canieso. She turned 1 year old today. Her mom, Emelyn Honey Genobis is my best friend. We've been friends for quite some time now, and we've shared a lot of memories together from happy ones to the not so happy ones. Yce was born as the smallest baby ever recorded at Riverside Medical Center or Dr. Pablo Torre Memorial Hospital. She was premature at 7 months and not bigger than a 12 oz bottle. Honey was supposed to go to the doctor for check up a few weeks prior to Feb 5. When she finally saw the doctor, they found out that Yce was not receiving any nutrients, or enough oxygen and blood supply because one of the tubes connecting her to her mom was not functioning. It's a miracle how she was able to survive despite the ordeal she had to go through even when she was still in her mother's womb. In order to live, she was consuming her mom's amniotic fluid.

No one can believe it has been 1 year since that happend. She has grown up to be healthy and gives everyone  joy in the Genobis household. I salute Honey, her mother for the hardwork, love and sacrifice she has put in to make sure Yce gets everything that she needs. 

I realized too, that all that you need in order to survive and strive for a better future for your children is family. Honey's sisters, Sweet, Love and Darlyn and their parents ( Mommy Dels and Daddy Doots, who has become my second parents) could not have been more supportive of their sister / daughter. Hats off to the Genobis Family including the inlaws. Special mention to Donald and Tolits! Indeed you guys are an inspiration.

Once again, Happy Birthday Yce and Congratulations to Honey. I love you both! 

Yce 1st Birthday ~ Feb 5, 2012

Rayhanna Yce G. Canieso
February 5, 2012
Genobis Residence, Valladolid, Neg. Occ