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Saturday, April 2, 2016

My thoughts turned into rant...

So, finally, I have time on my hands. Some quiet time alone where I can just be with my thoughts. Aside from not having time, I also had a hard time logging in to my blogspot account. But, as my Sr. Manager would say,  That is now water under the bridge, there's nothing much we can do about that. Well, she was right.

A lot of things happend since I last wrote here. Changes and movements at work, changes with my personal life, and lastly changes in the world around us.

Just recently, I saw a post one of my colleagues uploaded in FB. It says something about not being happy with their current work, and if this is the only thing the Philippine Government can offer us. I am not a big fan of the government but i'm not going to condemn them either.

My 2 cents on this is, if you hate where you're working at now, why stay? Nobody is forcing you to stay and work, accept degrading things that your customers say to you. I see this as a problem not just with certain people but the public in general. This also applies to the upcoming Presidential / Mayoral Race. This year is going to be exciting. The way I see it, this is anybody's game. The fact still remains, that corruption, be it with a seated president or even just during elections is evident. People tend to support a certain candidate to the point of risking their lives for them. They don't see anything wrong, until that person is seated in office. First few months in office, the person is doing good, then come one particular incident, everything good this new government official has just done, gone. Everything else he/she does in the succeeding years are a disaster in the eyes of the public. This is a vicious cycle that the Philippines have to go through every three to six years. But who is to blame? Is it the person seated in office, or is it the people who voted for them? No one will ever be good enough for the general public.

That's it for my first blog in 2016... forgive the ranting. Hopefully i'll have time to write more meaningful articles. thanks for reading anyway. :) till my next blog...