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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

On the Vhong Navarro Case

The Vhong Navarro case is buzzing yet again. This is brought about by the granting of bail for Deniece Cornejo, Cedric Lee and Zimmer Raz. From what I understood earlier. Serious Physical Injury and Illegal Detention is a non-bailable offense. So why would the Court allow bail?

Corruption again is at work. We all know that Cedric Lee has money and has probably either bribed the court or threatened that he would kill all of their families if they are not granted bail. Granted that the bail has already been paid, how can we then ensure that all the parties involved will not run out of the country to flee?

Corruption and bribery are things that should not be taught at an early age. Though let's admit that at some point we have used this with our kids. I don't actually have a kid but bribes like "I'll give you this if you do this" - a form of bribery when not clearly explained to our children why were are doing what we're doing. We might think for a moment that this is some sort of reward, but this has to be partnered off with setting of expectations. Education is the key, so let's start teaching kids right manners and conduct.  

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Being Childlike

Photo from: http://hydristor.com/

I have learned in school that Childish is different from being Childlike. Childish means that you lack maturity by behaving like a child. Childlike however is the complete opposite of Childish. It simply means that you're resembling a child marked by innocence. 

So, earlier today, I was at home and our helper's little boy AJ was with us watching TV at the dining room. He was restless and playing as if he was at war and using his hands as guns. I felt bad for him as he had no toys to play with. I remember he was playing with a blown up plastic bag tied to a string resembling that of a balloon.  I went to my room, grabbed one of the inflated balloons and blew up one and gave it to him. He was having dinner and eating mango and when he saw me with a bright red balloon, he put down the mango without finishing it and attempted to climb down the chair when I said that needs to finish his dinner first, wash his hands before coming to see me. It amazed me and made me realize that childhood is something that is meant to be remembered as I saw the eagerness in his eyes to play with the balloon. To us adults, a balloon would not make a difference but to a child with no toys, it means everything. 

Simple things like a balloon, a bathroom tissue core, or a plastic a cup, may not mean much to us, but it makes a a child happy. Something we probably unlearned when we grew up is our imagination. Now as adults, we only use our imagination when we read books. Not being utilized by play or make believe. 

Points to Ponder: 

Let's not forget what it's like to be a child, not to act immature but remind ourselves of their inquisitive nature, and the fullness of their imagination.